April 5th, 2024

Intentionally a pretty nothing day this time around. Played a little Helldivers 2, finally got the rewards for all those Major Orders I was around for which is nice. Got a lot of medals (the main progression currency) from that. Haven't done much else. I kinda wanna play Magic Arena again, haven't actually booted the game up again yet though. Also wanna play on Pokemon Showdown again. I also kinda wanna get a 4070 Super even though I don't really need one. I mostly just want to never have to even think about upgrading anything until something in my PC breaks, and the GPU I have is mostly that (a 2080 Super), but I kinda want something with Raytracing and a 4070 Super is like, an actual upgrade while not being crazy expensive. Idk though, I really don't need a new GPU, at least not yet. Probably gonna be thinking on it for a bit.