August 1st, 2024
For some reason I've decided to start with another gacha. Sword of Convallaria. I'm still very early on in the game but it seems fine so far, idk if I'll keep up with it but I don't really have any qualms with just dropping it. Part of the reason I even started with it is because the dupe currency is farmable, so you don't need to get more than one copy of a unit. There is also apparently PVP though, and if that's a major element then I'm just gonna not deal with it at all. There's also a battle pass too, which I also don't like. I'm also playing it on PC, wish I had a second monitor.
I have done a bit in Arknights too. Mostly just grinding the event though, which just sorta happens passively with the auto deploy. I got spooked by Dusk on the free daily roll for the limited banner. I guess I'll raise her up at some point, though I do wanna not mess up the materials for Wiš'adel. Idk maybe I'm focusing too much on it, I already have like all the materials I need for her and most of them will pop up in event shops before she comes out anyway.