August 21st, 2024

I've finished Pseudoregalia now. Honestly still feeling mostly the same about it. I do think the final boss is a good fight, but literally every other fight in the game just feels kinda crappy. The first boss especially just takes way too long for a fight that's not at all interesting. The movement is still really good, though. Bunny hopping around and having a whole bunch of jumps at your disposal is really nice, though the wall kick honestly feels kinda awkward to use. I don't think I'm gonna go back and get 100%, I feel pretty satisfied just with what I managed to find myself. Game is probably like a 7/10 for me, but like, a really high 7/10. I do recommended it, even with me wishing it wasn't a Metroidvania, it's not really fundamentally flawed in any way, just far from perfect.