August 22nd, 2024

I started playing Yakuza 0 today. Technically my second time playing, but the first time was 4 years ago and I never even got past chapter 1. Today I pretty much blitzed through the first chapter, it's pretty short and basically just an intro. Game is good, I don't have a ton to say about it. You get a ton of money just in the last part of chapter 1, though that's mostly relative to what little you have access to. I don't really know when the game "opens up" it kinda opens and closes depending on plot beats (like, the whole map (it's pretty small) is open right at the start of chapter 2, but after you have a chat with your friend most of the map gets closed off and you're told to go to bed), and there's more than one local in the game anyway, but I'll do side content stuff at some point.