December 10th, 2023

When I was going through the site to write this I saw one of the pages in the Neocities directory was the blank "not found" page and I was ready to fix it before realizing that that was because it was the actual "not found" page. So I think I should be going to bed soon.

I just spent most of the day working more on the cube. I'm mostly done with it but it's getting a bit harder to think of cards to add. Some random person also saw it and did a playtest draft with it even though it wasn't done, which I guess is interesting. The one other thing I did today was actually go out to play Magic for the first time in a while. And do like terribly at draft, I probably should have given LCI another look so I actually knew what the cards were before going out but whatever. My main problem was just not drafting well anyway (I never committed to another color so I would up with a mono color deck, but I never intentionally drafted that way until like halfway through the 3rd pack so the deck was a bit weak), I don't think being familiar with the cards would have saved me there.