December 16th, 2023

It's occurred to me that a lot of the time when I say I've done nothing during a day, I actually have done something. Not even like most of the time, just a decent amount. But that "something" is just stuff that I'd rather keep private. Idk how to explain why so I just won't.

And like I still did basically nothing today anyway. I feel very close to resuming Elden Ring (not gonna start over, just pick up where I left off), so I'm likely gonna be doing that soon. Maybe not today because I've zoned out for a while and it suddenly became 11:30 PM but. I did play a little Arknights but I didn't like "achieve" anything there. I guess I cleared IS3 without Texas Alter, but I had Mlynar so no that's not an achievement. I do wanna finish chapter 8 but I need to be in the right headspace and even when I am I still manage to talk myself out of it.