December 1st, 2023

The most exciting thing that happened at work today was me having the ability to actually use the bathroom because of how few customers were there. So that was nice I guess. Other than that a bit of a nothing day. I tried a little of Touhou Lost Word, another gacha game, mostly because I was curious, but I've already deleted it. I never planned to stick with it but it's honestly kind of a lot and I feel like keeping up with it would be absolute poison on my brain. I also started Pathfinder Wrath of the Rightous. I played it for like 2 hours and all of that time was spent in character creation. Granted part of that was from me throwing out my first character most of the way through (a Nine-Tailed Heir Sorcerer), but part of that is from Pathfinder has about eight million different options and no way to tell which ones suck. There's a reason 5e is as relatively simply as it is, and while I do understand wanting those options, it's just so much. I literally couldn't choose between the bloodlines on my initial idea because none of them really worked well with Kitsune (all melee weapons use strength without a feat and most bloodlines give natural weapons, the elemental ones are based around the bonus spells that NTH doesn't get, and the remaining bonuses are vaugely dubious at best and only one like, actually works with the bonus Kitsune get to enchantment spells).