December 21st, 2023

Today was mostly focused on Arknights because of the new event. I did read most of the story for it, but it was honestly really heavy for me and I wound up skipping the last bit of it because it was just keeping me from finshing the event. The story is really good, and I do want to finish it, but it's just a bit too much to take in all at once. I also rolled for the new operator, got him in like 115 rolls I think? Used up most of what I had and wound up buying the tickets in the yellow cert shop instead of saving them to buy Surtr tomorrow, but I don't really regret it, he was the upcoming op I wanted the most anyway. Plus they released his module early, which is great because it's really important for him. I also just completely fucking forgot to rotate my base after maintenance, so that's gonna be messed up for a bit.

One last thing, but. I got an early Christmas present from one of my partners today. I like legit almost cried, it really just means a ton to me.

I'm gonna try to go to bed now, need to be up early for the 9-3 shift tomorrow. Really not looking forward to it.