December 28th, 2023

More Elden Ring today. Finished Leyndel, did all of the Subterranean Shunning Grounds that I care for, and did pretty much all of Volcano Manor. Just have the boss left, which I'm gonna do after the last assassination request because there's no reason not to, really. I tried some of those beans that I got for Christmas and they wound up brewing pretty fast with the same grinder setting as my regular beans. It's not really an issue but it's something to keep in mind I guess, though you'd think a dark roast would work the opposite way.

Idk how I forgot this but, I spent most of this morning with mom trying to sort out retirement stuff. Not for her, for me. I do get a 401k through the union, but that only kicks in after a certain amount of time (I forgot to ask how much time xwx). Did set up an IRA though. Mom gave me some money for it, I'm gonna figure out how to deposit it tomorrow after work. It's kinda nice to see a lot of money in my checking account even if it's all gonna get shoved somewhere else.