December 30th, 2024
I was pretty tired today, gonna try to go to bed earlier and not stay up all night playing video games. Or whatever the hell I was doing last night, I honestly don't remember. Only played an hour of RECOM but I'm enjoying it, most of the way through floor 2 (which I chose to be Agrabah because Aladdin's friend card gives Moogle Points, aka currency). Getting the hang of combat, but idk if I'm used to the direction that the shoulder buttons move cards yet, as dumb as that sounds. Idk which direction I would expect but I just know that it's not the direction I expected when starting.
Idk how much work I'm gonna have tomorrow, I finished the one big task I had today and I don't think I'll get anything else considering tomorrow is the last day of the year. Still gonna show up of course.