December 8th, 2024
I did play some Trongle Strategy today. I played for like 2 and a half hours but it was kind of just "a little," I am only now on the second fight of the game. There's a lot of cutscenes, and the story is pretty good and pretty compelling, but my brainpower for all of them was kind of low. The game is also a decent challenge, I've restarted that second fight twice so far just because someone kept dying (the AI is actually pretty agressive and will gang up on units even on normal; also, there's no penalty for units dying besides that unit, like, not being avaliable for the rest of the fight, but I don't want my goobers to fall behind too much). Idk if healing items have range in this game, that's something I should check for try 3. There's also a restart option in the game that lets you go back to the strategy screen while keeping all the experience and kudos (a currency you get for fighting tactically) that you earned so far in the fight. I kinda disliked that when I first saw it but apparently when you get out of the intro you just unlock fights that you can grind forever, so I guess it doesn't matter that much? The fight also recommends you be level 3, and battle restarting is I think the only reasonable way to actually get to level 3, so idk. I doubt you're intended to restart the fight a bunch but whatever.