January 9th, 2025
Today in "Caitlin finds a random niche challenge run and gives it a go," it's the Professor Oak Challenge! Basically you just catch every pokemon available to you before challenging the gym. I'm doing the run in Emerald which is maybe a mistake because you get Fly so late (no pokemon are locked behind Winona, so you have to do her last), but I'm still having fun so far. I'm at 9/39 pokemon needed for the first gym, going to go bum rush getting a Nincada because it's literally my only source of False Swipe before Zangoose, a pokemon that doesn't even evolve.
Unrelatedly, I've been dealing with almost daily headaches for a while now but I think I've managed to identify the cause? I used to normally sleep on my stomach, but a while ago I switched to sleeping on my back. And with the way my pillows are arranged on my bed, that winds up putting a lot of pressure on my neck, because my head winds up laying on the part where they all overlap, which winds up being pretty solid. I went back to sleeping on my stomach the other day and it seems to have stopped the headaches. I'm not sure why it would cause them considering they usually happened later in the day, but hopefully it's the actual solution to the problem.