July 9th, 2024

God I hate bugs.

More of the same today. Up to chapter 4 in FE3H now. Lysethia is at a B rank support with the MC, so she should be as easy as possible to recruit, but I think I still need more magic for that. Linhardt is still C rank and my Reason still sucks, but I wanted early Faith levels for the budding talent. I'm going for both of them because they're both Warp users, and Lysethia is also just the best magic damage dealer in the game. I do need to do some fights before the chapter mission though, idk what difficulty the numbers on the fandom wiki are but the enemies there seem to be like twice the level of my units right now. Some auxiliary fights on normal difficulty are free to do at least, so I can catch up, but it's still a little worrisome.