June 12th, 2024

Another ADHD day. I finished Invisible Cities though. Really superb book. Absolutely love it, honestly it's exactly the thing that I wanted right now. Not sure what I'm gonna read next, probably something I already have downloaded.

I also cut up those proxies and playtested the deck a little. I didn't actually mention the deck, it's a mono-green Eldrazi Tron list. I don't have the exact 75 to share but it's an iteraiton on this list that was done by the same guy, Damian Del Nero. The list was described as "nutty" and it very much is the nuts. There's also an RG Eldrazi list that looks interesting, but it requires a lot of the same cards, and the cards unique to the Tron version I already mostly have (or are fairly cheap), so whatever. I did pull the trigger on getting a playset of The One Ring though, which is slightly painful. $80 each. I'm waiting to see if/when labyrinth drops before buying more, but Ring has actually been on a slow upward trend, so I wanna just get them now before the get even more pricey. Though looking at it again, the cheapest version of the card (the foil bundle promo) hasn't actually been creeping up, but whatever. There are other decks I'm interested in that also have Rings, and I can always just sell them again.