June 14th, 2024

Wanted to go out for draft today but I wound up being pretty tired after work so I just stayed in. And MH3 draft is also like $40 too. I really wanna play some Modern right now, MH3 really feels like it's opened up the format a lot, at least for now. There's a few decks that look interesting to me, though right now I think I'm gonna stick with the Eldrazi Tron deck and go from there. Don't wanna just spend a ton of money quite yet. I've been waiting for Labyrinths to go down in price but I might just buy in anyway, their price trajectory seems fairly slow right now even if it is going down.

I also managed to clear 540 risk in the CC in Arknights. Mechanically that's all you need for the rewards, but the medal is locked behind 600 risk, and I honestly have no idea how the fuck I would even do that. I had to take basically no enemy health up risks in order to even clear it, and I'm basically out of the easy risks to take.