June 1st, 2024

Man I really need to stop staying up late, I've started to get super exhausted around 11. Tbh I prefer waking up early to staying up late but I need to get used to not being able to stay up late.

Up to Summer 2 in Stardew Valley, making good progress with basically everything. Farming and Fishing are now at level 10, and I've been saving up jams and pickles and aged roes for Farming 10 specifically thanks to Artisan giving a 40% boost to them. This is what happens when you save up like 2 months worth of product. I spent a long time in Summer 1 putting together a 20 quality sprinkler setup (with a blueprint, though the design is pretty simple). I should probably make a macro for animation canceling, things take forever without it. There's an actual command in game to animation cancel, but the button combo is so obtuse (right shift + delete + R) that you basically have to use a macro for it.

I also played some more IS4 in Arknights, I don't have much to say on it but I got one run that really felt like a stomp. I also redownloaded SF6, new patch has honestly made me interested again even though there aren't any massive changes in it.