June 22nd, 2024

So I've actually been home alone for the past 2 weeks. Technically I'm still alone right now, but my parents are on the way home. I wasn't able to go with them on their trip because of work and not having vacation days, so I've just been on my lonesome. My attempts at cooking have unfortunately not gone well (though most of the time I've just been reheating things which went fine), I've successfully cooked in the past so idk. I at least know what I've been doing wrong with it. I tried making pancakes today but I used not enough flour and the pan was not hot enough, for example. They were still edible though.

But yeah most of today was just getting ready for them to get back. Taking out the garbage, removing my laundry from mom's room (most of it was in my room, there was just a bit I left in there when I was washing my work shirts last week), mostly little things. I haven't like made a mess or anything. I also started with Pikmin 4. Why do games have so many fucking cutscenes now just let me play the game holy fucking shit dude I'm not a fucking moron and if I am then let me be stupid you fucking asshole.

Edit: A few minutes after I wrote this they got home. Their flight was delayed 4 hours; the other two flights to NYC from the same airport either got diverted or were canceled, so honestly kinda lucky. I also remembered that I got some notable catches in Animal Crossing today, the biggest one probably being the Banded Dragonfly. There were some other notable catches (the Hammerhead Shark, two "butterflies" that I think are rare (one was the Madagascan Sunset Moth, I don't remember the other one)), but the Banded Dragonfly is the first "freakout" catch I've gotten. I don't remember how many other freakout catches there are, I know the Coelacanth and Stringfish are too, but the Banded Dragonfly is maybe the most annoying due to being really fast, though I got lucky with it and didn't have much trouble. I've gotten 100 total bug catches and almost 100 fish catches, that's the most you need to unlock some rare spawns. Tomorrow is Sunday, so it'll be my first turnip day, meaning I get a guarenteed small spike next week (meaning a potential profit of 40%-100%), so I'm ready to get all the turnips I can.