June 4th, 2024

I might be close to done with Stardew Valley for now, idk. I didn't play that much today, honestly kind of waiting for Fall so I can get apples, only thing I need. There's stuff to do after that (there's one last bundle and then Ginger Island), but idk. I haven't played any SF6 either. I kind of want a new controller for it but I don't really need one. I have a leverless Snackbox v2, but it's a full size one and not a mini. Plus I think it'd be nice to have at least one extra button for a parry/drive rush macro, because I remember having a little trouble with MK+MP inputs.

I don't need to go into jury duty tomorrow, but it's not all good news. My "service" is, quote, "expected to be needed" on Thursday, which tbh I kind of doubt but I'm still not getting my hopes up too much. I wish they would just tell you definitively if you were going in or not, jury duty would be way less of a pain if they didn't make it as fucking annoying as possible.