June 7th, 2024

I actually spent most of the day reading. Specifically reading Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. The book is just amazing honestly. I'm only about halfway through but it's just, wow. Book is fairly short too, my focus just wasn't at its best today. The concept sounds kind of plain and boring (Marco Polo describes cities to Koblai Khan; outside of the framing device the whole book is just those descriptions), but the execution of it is more than perfect.

I also bought a new fightpad to use, because my current one being big is honestly really bothering me. I bought a haute42, and Aliexpress is having a sale so I bought it there cause why not. I've never bought something from Aliexpress though, so my bank blocked the transaction. This isn't actually a huge issue cause you just need to confirm it, but I didn't realize that was what happened at first and just tried again. Then after I realized it and confirmed the transaction, I tried for a third time (because confirming doesn't actually unblock the transaction). And then Aliexpress blocked the transaction, and wanted me to file an appeal to confirm my card. Which would require sending pics of my ID and of the card. So I just went fuck it and used PayPal as a third party. I only ever do that if there's money in my PayPal account that I want to spend (and there actually was like $25 in there), but I didn't really wanna deal with all that.

Going to MH3 prerelease tomorrow. Thought about today but I concluded it would be kind of a pain. Probably going all day tomorrow, but I'll see how I feel. I'm probably gonna go to the first prerelease and leave if I don't feel great instead of only going to the second.