March 19th, 2024

Fuckton of traffic on the way to work, no idea why. Not much else really remarkable about work. I had a ton of work to do, but none of it was that bad and I did all the work that I could on stuff. Not much else today. New Arknights event, I wound up getting two copies of the new 6* in the same roll, so that's nice. Only needed 40 pulls for her. I honestly bought the Ch'en skin pack just for the level 90 boost so I could max her out. I don't even have Ch'en (yet) but fuck it. I don't really regret it, leveling an operator up to max, even if you only consider starting at e2, is a massive resource drain. Plus Jessica Alter is way more fun than I expected even wanting her, the grenade on her s3 does an insane amount of damage (almost 6k), and the fact that you can get multiple grenades off if you can redeploy her shield (the grenade launch is tied to the shield being deployed (it does launch if it's already out you don't need to save it), and because it's an ammo-based skill if Jessica has nothing to shoot the skill lasts forever, so you can retreat the shield if there's a lull in enemies to get another potential grenade) just makes it even better. Even with my resources being tight I'm probably gonna get s3m3. Maybe even the full m9, idk.