September 15th, 2024

I have spent all day playing Satisfactory. I still need to upgrade my factory, my production is just kind of awful right now. I've been really focused on huting down crash sites though, not (just) for the hard drives, but also for the parts scattered around them. Right now they're my only way to get computers, and I really want one of the Alien Technology techs. I need 60 total (50 for the research, 10 for the end product) to get what I want. Plus there are some alternate crafting recipies that I want (solid steel is the big one, it really cuts down on how much coal you need to spend), so I'm not just ignoring the hard drives unless I think I'm gonna die trying to get it. Getting another 17 would be nice for another thing I want too. I also half-built that coal power plant, I should go back and do the other half some time soon but just having automated power is huge.