September 18th, 2024

Not enough sleep last night, really paid for it today. Was really exhausted for most of the day. Doesn't help that work today was annoying. Spent a decent chunk today playing Satisfactory, not as much as before but still the main thing I'm doing. Spent most of it literally just setting up for crafting the current tier of Project Assembly, though I'm most of the way done with that at least. This is my planned layout, and all I have left to set up is really just the reinforced iron plates; I have the regular iron plates almost fully set up, and I've got the ingots for the screws set up as well. I think moving the ingots and making the screws on-site might make more sense? Though a mark 3 belt is more than capable of transporting 210 items/minute. Idk I'll probably make the screws on-site now that I think about it.